
5th October 2020 | Posted by Mark Mandeville | in Financial Planning
In most industrial settings, health-and-safety rules demand that appropriate protective gear be worn, including the donning of ear defenders in high decibel environments. Yet, when it comes to our investing health and safety, we have little by the way of regulatory guidance except the obligatory phrase ‘Past performance is no guide to future performance’ to protect ourselves from the noise of market outcomes, particularly when investing without the guidance of an adviser.
2nd March 2020 | Posted by Mark Mandeville | in Investment Insights
In the modern era, we have far greater access to world news at just the click of a button, or from flash news alerts on our phones. This is not always a good thing as newspapers and websites publish news stories that will attract readers. It can be all too easy to focus on these stories and get gloomy, disheartened or uncomfortable about the reported danger to life, society or wealth of these threats, the latest being the coronavirus.
13th December 2019 | Posted by Mark Mandeville | in Financial Planning
For some, waking up to the large Tory majority this morning will be a relief, avoiding the higher taxes for both companies and the better off, and a deeply socialist agenda. Others will feel bitterly disappointed that the seemingly last chance to avoid leaving the EU has probably gone. Whatever your political hue, we are where we are.
11th December 2019 | Posted by Mark Mandeville | in Investment Insights
Persistently skilled fund managers are a very rare commodity, hard to identify in advance and hard to live with over time. Anecdotes and examples of great managers are often used to justify active management, yet even some of the truly ‘great’ managers have failed to live up to their billing. Like the laws of physics, where many big stars eventually reach their evolutionary end in a supernova, the rules of efficient markets, the zero-sum game where losers must fund winners, investment costs and poor investor behaviour have a similar impact on those labelled as ‘star’ managers. Here are some examples of fading stars.
29th May 2019 | Posted by Mark Mandeville | in Investment Insights
Systematic, evidence-based investing often results in very little activity in a portfolio. It is wrong to think that this is the result of a ‘set-and-forget’ strategy.

What our clients say...

"Whilst we had always contributed to reasonable pension schemes, we never had what could be called good consistent financial planning advice. Career progression and subsequent business ownership required a much more coherent approach. So, it was with...

Mr & Mrs Cl, Berkshire (February 2018)

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